More than 100,000 people have fallen into a trap of having to pay back the carer's allowance because they didn't declare or were unaware of the very strict extra earnings limit. So it is important to know the rules - but this can be an important and very helpful benefit to thosuands of people who are unpaid carers for friends or family.
How To Get £81.90/week
You may be able to get £81.90 a week if you care for someone at least 35 hours a week and they get certain benefits.
You do not have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for.
You do not get paid extra if you care for more than one person.
If someone else also cares for the same person as you, only one of you can claim Carer’s Allowance.
What Does Caring Involve?
You need to spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone. This can include:
helping with washing and cooking
taking the person you care for to a doctor’s appointment
helping with household tasks, like managing bills and shopping
On the face of it - that sounds simple - but there are lots of other requirements, chef of which is that you have to be relatively low paid.
Your Eligibility
All of the following must apply:
you’re 16 or over
you spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone
your earnings are £151 or less a week after tax, National Insurance and expenses
you’ve been in England, Scotland or Wales for at least 2 of the last 3 years (this does not apply if you’re a refugee or have humanitarian protection status)
you normally live in England, Scotland or Wales, or you live abroad as a member of the armed forces (you might still be eligible if you’re moving to or already living in an EEA country or Switzerland)
you’re not in full-time education
you’re not studying for 21 hours a week or more
you’re not subject to immigration control
Eligible Benefits
The person you care for must already get one of these benefits:
Personal Independence Payment - daily living component
Disability Living Allowance - the middle or highest care rate
Attendance Allowance
Constant Attendance Allowance at or above the normal maximum rate with an Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
Constant Attendance Allowance at the basic (full day) rate with a War Disablement Pension
Armed Forces Independence Payment
Child Disability Payment - the middle or highest care rate
Adult Disability Payment - daily living component at the standard or enhanced rate
National Insurance Credits
For each week you get Carer’s Allowance you’ll automatically get National Insurance credits. (You may be able to get National Insurance credits if you’re not paying National Insurance, for examp)
You may also be able to apply for:
!!!!! Avoid An Expensive Trap...
More than 100,000 people have fallen into a trap of having to pay back the carer's allowance because they didn't declare or were unaware of the very strict extra earnings limits.
As of February 2023, the DWP said it was seeking to recover 145,567 overpayments of Carer's Allowance, That includes almost 12,000 cases concerning overpayments of between £5,001 and £20,000
Although carers can claim £81.90 a week, they become ineligible for the whole amount if they earn just a pound over £151 a week, after tax and expenses.
In thousands of cases the problem hasn't been highlighted until the carer has recieved thousands of pounds and must replay the whole amount, even though many may no longer have that money - forcing them into serious debt,
You can:
Call the Carer's Allowance helpline on 0800 731 0297
Claim online via GOV.UK